We Are Here for You

Are you Ready?

This text introduces students to the basics. Make it lively and exciting like the picture.

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Student Name and Program/Year

How You Can Join Our Programs

A Day in the life of a student

In a direct enroll program, you will directly submit an application to the Borromini Institute to participate in an onsite or virtual program. During the application process, you will have direct interaction with the BI for tasks such as applying, making payments, confirming travel arrangements, and completing enrollment requirements. Depending on individual student requirements, the Borromini Institute may also handle additional enrollment procedures.
We encourage students to apply by the suggested deadline, as there are substantial advantages in doing so. These include receiving an admissions decision early on, allowing for ample time to plan travel and potentially save on airline tickets, as well as ensuring sufficient time for visa processing.

Program fees usually include:

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Our Core Values

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Locavit liberioris possedit
Diremit mundi mare undae
Spectent tonitrua mutastis

How do students apply?

Describe the application process and then take students to All Programs to choose which they want to join.

A note about coursework, specifically for advisors. And a link to our course page.

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Info Box

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Meet the Borromini INstitute team



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