SUMMER INTERNSHIPS: Always Impressed with our Student Internship Symposium

Another successful summer program of academic internships is complete, and as always concluded with an engaging Internship Symposium in which our students got to share amongst themselves and invited guests the wonderful work they completed at their internship placements these last eight weeks. This time their Symposium was also combined with the video screening of […]

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3 Weeks, 3 Countries, 3 Food Culture Conferences

At Borromini Institute, our Gustolab academic cluster is a hive-mind constantly buzzing with exchanges of ideas and knowledge surrounding sustainable food systems, food culture, food history, and of course flavor and taste! Yes, we even look for it in the hotel breakfast bar. Along with being a Development Coordinator and instructor for Borromini Institute, I

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Exploring Southern Italy’s Welcoming Coast 

The Spring Program Visits Calabria One of the highlights of the program was the 5-day trip to the Calabria region in Italy’s south. The focus this time was on cultural diversity and inclusion, dear to our curriculum (in fact we dedicate an entire academic cluster to human rights). We were welcomed by the Italian Coast Guard, Red Cross volunteers,

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Sustainable Service Learning

Our students love to get involved in environmental projects in their adopted city, Rome. Whether this be helping fight climate change through conscientious shopping and recycling, joining in with Retake Rome to clean up public areas, or participating in internships supporting urban agricultural or welcoming immigrants, there are always ways for the study abroad student

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